Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Maplestory is an cute and addictive 2d game, where you have to kill monsters to get more experience points, which are needed for gaining levels. However, that is not the only feature of the game. Here are some examples:


When Maplestory came out, there was the only type of characters called Adventurers. In the Adventurers, there were the Warriors, Magicians, Thieves, & Bowmen. However, MapleStory began releasing new classes some time after. Pirates were added to the Adventurers, and after that, Knights of Cygnus were created, which was actually a newer and better version of the Adventurers. They were named as Soul Master(Warrior), Flame Wizard(Magician; Fire/Poison Wizard), Night Walker(Thief), Wind Breaker(Bowman) and Striker(Pirate). After, Aran was released, which uses Pole Arm as his/her weapon. The newest release, in June 2010, is Evan, which is a Magician, but attacks monsters through his/her Onyx Dragon, and has different skills differing from all Magician classes.

Party Quests.

There are many party quests to choose from, which are for different level ranges. For example, Henesys Party Quest, which is for level 10 onwards. The mission is to plant all the seeds at the correct places, and then protect the Moon Bunny from the monsters flying around.

And there is the ever-popular Kerning City Party Quest, also known as Kerning PQ or KPQ. There are 5 stages and a bonus stage at the end, which uses the amount of remaining time you have left.

Lastly, there is the Monster Carnival, in which you have 10 minutes to kill as many monsters as possible with a party with the minimum of 2 people and get Carnival Points and Maple Coins. The party with the most Carnival Points will win and get EXP. Maple Coins is used to trade for items with Spielgemann, the Monster Carnival Non-playing Character. Here's the catch: Even if you die there, your exp won't decrease! And, you don't have to use potions there because monsters you kill drop potions!

(P.S. One of them is me, and the other is my friend :p )

Parties & Guilds.

A party is a group where you team with other players, and the exp you receive from the monsters you kill are shared with the other members, as well as mesos (maplestory money). Parties are needed to be created in order to enter Party Quests.
A guild is like a party, except that its title appears under your name and that there are "Jr. Masters" which can invite others to join the guild. There is a Guild Party Quest which is located deep in Perion, an area in MapleStory.

I won't say too much as it will spoil the fun for you. Go try it out! Download at, create account at

Rating: Gamespot - 7.7/10
IGN - 7.5/10 (Press score)
9.0/10 (User rating)

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